Opening Hours
Tuesday 10am to 6pm
Wednesday 10am to 6pm
Thursday 10am to 7pm
Friday 10am to 7pm
Saturday 12 noon to 4pm
Sunday 12 noon to 4pm
Tuesday 10am to 5 pm
Wednesday 10am to 5pm
Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 12 noon to 4pm
Children's books and DVDs are available during all Main Library Hours.
Monday and Bank Holidays : LIBRARY CLOSED
Easter Break times: Following classes are cancelled in April :
Rhyme Time Last 15th; resuming 25th
Ballet Storytime: Last 26 March resuming 16 April
Music with Magda: Last 16th and resuming 23rd
Chess : Last 5th April resuming on 26th
23 January 2024
Last few items from KCL Art Fair March 2024
The Art Fair on 22nd/23rd March was amazing
Friday's launch was very busy although perhaps the wine helped. Saturday was busy all day with streams of people coming off the Heath as well as by invitation. It looks as though we have our posters in the right places at last.
The exhibotirs were delighted with the space, layout and the attendance. Sales were decent all day and most sold something.
We still have a few pictures owned by KCL available to buy.
Really charming original Water colours by Hanna Weill - to read about the artist see below. All are priced at £295, offered framed as seen. Quite large - 60 -70cm wide, details on request
Hanna Weil 1921-2011
Hanna Weil was born in Munich in 1921, and emigrated with her parents to London in 1932. Raised in the Hampstead Garden Suburb, she was educated at The North London Collegiate, "An excellent education. I just loathed every minute of it". She then studied at St Martin's School of Art. Offered a place at The Royal College of Art, she declined it, because, following the outbreak of war, it had been relocated to "the barren waste of North Yorkshire." Instead she joined the Wrens, "because I liked the black stockings". In 1946,
following her marriage, "I went on Honeymoon with my Papa as my husband still had a German passport and couldn't go".
For more than thirty years, she lived in the heart of Hampstead, painting and exhibiting in London and Europe. Among the galleries that showed her work were the Royal Academy, the Portal Gallery, and the Leicester Galleries in London. In Germany she exhibited at the Charlotte Gallery in Munich. Her work can be seen in the Rugby Art Gallery and Museum and the Wandsworth Museum. As architectural subject matter was an early passion, in the 60's she was commissioned by London Transport to produce images of The Tower of London and Hampton Court. These iconic posters are still available from the London Transport Museum.
Her work was for sale through the Louise Kosman Gallery in Edinburgh. Hanna Weil's work has been sold at auction by:
Doyle New York
Waddington's Canada
Keys Fine Art
Biddle & Webb
Keats Community Library would like to express our gratitude to Shuey Delaney, Hanna’s daughter, for the generous donation of these pictures to raise funds to enable us to stay open.
Mychael Barratt Life Imitating Art. There are 8 classic artists depicted on the picture £250 Signed Print 93 x 77cms